
American Store Fixture is proud to provide Jiffy Steamers and Jiffy Steamer accessories for your retail store needs. When it comes to finding the perfect Jiffy Steamer provider, you won’t find a better selection than what’s found at AmericanStoreFixture.com. We carry steamer hoses, steamer cleaning solvent, steamer bottles, Jiffy Steamers with internal tanks, and garment steams with external tanks. When it comes to keeping your Jiffy Steamer working to its fullest potential, choose American Story Fixture as your source for Jiffy Steamer accessories.
Garment steamers are essential for any store or boutique that deals in clothing. A Jiffy Steamer will help ensure your products are presented in an attractive way to your customers, and ready to wear if they choose without unattractive wrinkles. Jiffy Steamers are easy to operate, and extremely durable. With a die cast aluminum housing, and impact resistant water reservoir, your Jiffy Steamer is sure to get the job done for years to come. If you’re in need of garment steamers or accessories for your store, choose a Jiffy Steamer from AmericanStoreFixture.com today!
